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Top 10 Reasons You Need Work Experience

child care worker playing with toys with students

If you are eager to land a job but have little or no work experience in the field you want to work in, it is imperative you get adequate training to add to your CV. Most employers want to recruit employees with relevant training and work experience as it saves them the trouble of training people from scratch. Vocational education can offer both job ready skills and work experience.

These are the top 10 ways work experience will help you:

1. Increase your chances of getting the job you want

Job seekers without work experience are less likely to be selected by future employers. Even if the job seeker gets to the interview stage, they may not be able to handle the job-related questions confidently due to their inexperience.

2. You can sample your options

If you are unsure about exactly what you want from your career, work experience will help you sample various career options available within an industry. You can explore different jobs by doing work experience and see for yourself what roles may suit you.

3. Discuss career options with experienced professionals

Work experience allows you to discuss any questions or concerns with the people who have been in the industry for long and know it inside out. Where else will you be able to get into the thick of action and get a clearer idea of what your chosen industry is!

4. Demonstrate your passion and interest

Doing work experience makes your passion and interest evident to a potential employer and reduces their risk of hiring you – as they know you understand the role. It shows you were motivated enough to get into your chosen field and discover first-hand what it is all about.

5. Get job motivation

Work experience may just give you the right kind of motivation to jump start your career. Many people may undertake studies in a field but don’t understand the job until they are in the workplace. This is why many vocational education courses contain work placement as an element of the course.

6. Learn the do’s and don’ts

Even before formally joining an industry, work experience introduces you to the skills you may need to carve a niche for yourself. You get an idea of what you should do as a worker in the industry.

7. Understand your strengths and weakness

Every person has a set of strengths and weaknesses. It would help to play to your strengths and work a way around your weaknesses. Work experience allows you to take stock of the situation and discover where you need to hone your skills. For example, if you are doing your work experience as part of vocational training it will enable you to return to class with questions for your trainer based on what you have learned in the field. It gives you the opportunity to understand what you need to learn and then ask your expert trainer.

8. Get a job

Many students who undertake work experience as a component of vocational training are then hired by that same organisation and paid for working there. Doing work experience within an organisation you are interested working in – allows an employer to see you in action and what you have to offer for their organisation.

9. Increase your network

Networking is often the door opener to get a job. Work experience enables you to develop professional relationships in your chosen field. Your colleagues may give you a heads-up about a job opportunity, helping you find a good role.

10. Make your resume look great

The right work experience adds value to your resume, increasing your chances of being selected for a job. Employers want to know that people are job ready and the best way to show this is through successful on the job experience.

So, how do you get the work experience you need?

Vocational training

Vocational education is all about being job ready and focuses on training people in tackling real job challenges, not just textbook learning. Many vocational courses have hands on training within the college and some courses also include a work experience component to the course.

If you get your work experience through vocational training, it gives you the added advantage of having your skills nationally recognised. Whether you want to pursue a career in aged care, community services, or early childhood education and care – vocational training will help you get the needed skills wherever you go.


Volunteering can help you gain hands-on job experience. What you need to do is to find a volunteer opportunity which will enable you to get a feel for the job you are interested in and start to learn some of the required skills. Volunteering for even a few hours a week will allow you to pick some skills and start to build connections you need to start your career. For example, if you want to make a career in aged care, volunteering at a local aged care facility will be a good first step.

Support of industry experts

Finding an industry expert who has worked for many years within the industry you want to work in is a great way to understand the industry. An industry expert can provide you with a 360-degree perspective of what working in the role is like.

Doing work experience will enable you to meet industry experts and you may even find a mentor who can advise you on the specific skills that will help you get a role and help you throughout your career. Drawing from their experience, industry experts and mentors can guide you about the path that would be the best fit for you. They can share their experiences and their deep industry knowledge.

Summing up

 Having on the job experience can help you land the job you want, and combining this with vocational education is a winning formula. Employers want to know that you have both job experience and job ready skills – which you will get from a vocational education course.

Contact us to find out more on 1300 046 744

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Top 10 Reasons You Need Work Experience





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