Should you study a business administration course?
Find out if a business administration course is the best choice for you…
Let’s face it, the world of business administration today has changed. Gone are the days where you could rely on paper trails and filed receipts, engaging a travel agent to book transport and organising an executive’s schedule off a whiteboard.
Whether you’re a skilled or experienced professional in the field of business administration, you can always do with extra training and formal qualifications. Throughout a business administration course, individuals learn a wide range of tasks such as how to create and produce vital business documents, organise schedules most effectively as well as staying abreast of industry changes.
While most skills are learnt on the job, many employers still value the sanctity of a qualification and look favourably upon candidates who have completed a business administration course.
It spans beyond the need for a piece of paper to demonstrate that you are a capable worker. A business administration course is a perfect opportunity for someone who has been out of the workforce for a while or who is newly entering the workforce. It shows employers that you are committed to your own personal and career development. As well as that, it allows you to stay up to date with what is best practice in the industry.
What do you study in business administration?
Business administration is a broad term which covers the many disciplines necessary for an organisation to function successfully. It includes accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, information technology and management.
When you study a business administration course, you learn a range of tasks that fall under each discipline and help an organisation to operate.
Who should do a business administration course?
While there is no restriction on what you can study, this qualification is perfect for those who are looking for work in:
- Clerical
- Reception
- Administration
It is also a highly suitable option for:
Parents returning to the workforce
Many parents don’t realise that the time off might have caused them to be a little bit rusty. We don’t blame you; children are a priority and your work and career can often take a back seat. However, while some people jump straight back into work as if they never left, others could do with the added help of a refresher. A business administration course is equally useful for those who are returning to their previous place of work or looking for a new career elsewhere.
Most high school leavers graduate with little to no experience in the workforce. This can make securing jobs, even entry-level roles, significantly more difficult. It is a very worthwhile investment to complete a formal qualification for many students.
Job seekers
Many people who are looking for employment experience multiple rejections from places they are applying for, only to be met with a notice that they found a more suitable candidate. Often, the distinguisher can be something as small as a course or qualification. If you are having trouble finding work and don’t hold any formal qualifications, contact our Course and Career Advisors today who will be able to tell you exactly why you are struggling to find work.
People in the industry looking to upskill or advance their careers
There are many individuals who are already established in the industry that choose to complete a course. This is a result of their own commitment to advancing their careers or refining their current skill set. It’s a myth that your education stops once you land a job; learning is a constant process. Things move quickly and if you aren’t ready to embrace the change, then you will find yourself being left behind.
Individuals who have been out of the workforce for a while
For whatever reason you have taken an extended hiatus, there is always an opportunity to bounce back. Don’t feel disheartened by the thought of “being out of the game”, jumping right back in is very possible and much easier than you think. Whether you travelled the world or just needed to take a break from it all, completing a course is the quickest way to get up to speed again.
If you are still unsure whether this course is right for you or you just need someone to talk to about your options, you can contact our experienced Course and Careers Advisors. They will provide you with a free consultation and discuss your career outcomes and goals to find the best way to set you on the right path.
Click here if you would like to speak to someone about taking the next step in your career.
Posted in: Other
Should you study a business administration course?