We provide your job seekers with industry-recognised vocational courses that equip them with practical skills and knowledge to gain employment. Our services offer employment services providers the advantage of:
We provide courses in high-demand industries
Many of our students gain employment as a result of their work placement with our industry partners
Get real time access on your job seeker's progress through our dedicated ESP portal
We offer an extensive range of qualifications tailored to meet the diverse needs of today’s job seekers.
Help your job seekers gain employment and get your business on the right track with Insight Training. Follow these three steps to success:
Speak with one of our Workforce Development Managers about the programs. Contact our campus directly if you do not have the contact details of our employment consultant for your area.
Contact us with any training needs outside our set course schedules to see if we can assist you.
One of our friendly Workforce Development Managers will schedule a time to meet with your job seeker and discuss enrolling into a scheduled course that meets their employment needs.
Our portal is a powerful tool that allows you to monitor your job seeker's progress, from class attendance to unit completion, and even pay their invoice.
Insight Training offers nationally accredited Diploma and Certificate courses. Learn from expert trainers and get flexible, affordable study options.