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Is a CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support Worth it?

Is a CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support Worth it?

In a highly competitive job market, you need all the bells and whistles you can have to get the best offers and roles, especially in the healthcare sector. The problem is that there are different paths to take to upgrade your credentials for bigger roles: seminars, licensure exams, advanced courses, and so much more.  

All of these options are important. However, for healthcare professionals like you who barely have enough time to keep up with work, life, and family, sometimes it’s best to choose an option that balances your time, costs, and course difficulty into consideration. 

You might also be thinking, “Wait a minute… Do I even need this?” The short answer is: Yes, you definitely need this if you want to grow and be more recognised in the field, especially if you’ve already completed CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support in an Ageing or Disability stream. 

1. The Demand is Shifting: Where will you be? 

Did you know that in the field of Ageing Support, job openings in the next five years are expected to soar to over 50,000 positions? There is a strong demand for workers in this field. With a CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support, you can complete even more specialised tasks (regardless if you want to focus on residential, home, or community-based sectors).  

These skills will help you learn how to give advanced special support (e.g. to those living with dementia), deliver specific care through a palliative approach, and other exciting and unique skills. 

Once you’ve already earned your wings through the CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support program, more doors will open up just for you.  

Is A CHC43015 Certificate IV In Ageing Support Worth It?

2. You Have New Roles to Fulfil: Go Count Them!

While more slots are opening in the ageing field, there will also be more highly-coveted positions for the taking. Once you complete this course, you can further your career by continuing your education to complete a CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services.  

Only the cream of the crop gets to complete this Diploma. Many of them are offered leadership or specialist roles that pay well and keep the field professionals in the ageing field up-to-date. Upon completing this course, you will be more equipped to fit in the following positions:

  • Accommodation Support Worker 
  • Assistant Hostel Supervisor 
  • Care Supervisor 
  • Care Team Leader 
  • Community Program Coordinator 
  • Day Activity Worker 
  • Personal Care Assistant 
  • Personal Caregiver 
  • Personal Care Worker 
  • Residential Care Officer 
  • Residential Care Worker 
  • Support Worker 

3. A Logical Transition 

If you’re reading this article and you’ve already secured CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support, you may have noticed in your practice that there are many “gaps” in skills and theory. Maybe you have yet to scale services through coordinating and facilitating services? Or perhaps you want to explore the intricacies of legal and compliance and collaborative partnerships for care?   

If you feel that your current role lacks that “oomph”, this is an opportunity to grab.  

Entry and Selection Process: 

Students wishing to complete this certificate are preferred to have a minimum of a School Certificate or equivalent. They must complete and pass a Working with Vulnerable People Check (and a national police check) in the state or territory they are working in before commencing work in this field.  

At Insight Training, we ensure that your professional needs are fulfilled. We consider various factors, including your personal desired outcomes, personal ability and commitment to the course, eligibility requirements based on the National Training Package, and existing ability in the ACSF core skills (learning, reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy).  

The CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support costs $396 for the concessional tuition fee and $1200 for a non-concessional one (based on unit selection). Both are inclusive of the following:  

During program 

  • All workbooks
  • Training plan
  • Learning guide
  • Daily reflection book
  • Qualified trainers with extensive industry experience
  • Optional additional support sessions
  • Targeted assessment tools
  • Student Assistance Program (counselling sessions) 
  • Certificate and Transcript (if the course is completed)
  • Statement of Attainment (if the student is found competent in at least 1 Unit of Competence)


  • Certificate and Transcript (if the course is completed)
  • Statement of Attainment (if the student is found competent in at least 1 Unit of Competence)

Is A CHC43015 Certificate IV In Ageing Support Worth It?

Ready to Take the Leap?  

Life is about growth and constant learning. We can’t stay in the same spot forever. Sometimes, we have to know when to take the leap! 

If you’re interested in expanding your knowledge, CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support can be for you. 

You need to complete a total of 18 units of competency (15 core and 3 electives as seen below). Additionally, you need to have completed a total of 120 logged working hours within an approved service to practice your skills. You are encouraged to look for your own work placement locations (if you don’t have one already) or use your employment in the industry to count towards these hours. Of course, Insight Training Staff will assist you if you encounter any issues or need help. 

Students will also be provided with a Practicum Booklet that includes the tasks and will be the basis for the logged hours. A qualified trainer or assessor will visit your workplace to check your work and progress. 

This is a personal investment you don’t want to miss!

Ready to enhance your career in Aged Care? Explore the CHC43015 Certificate IV In Ageing Support now!

The information provided in this blog is accurate as of 15/08/2024. Any updates or changes after this date are not reflected in the content.

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