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Transforming Aged Care: Embracing Technology and Improving Lives

Transforming Aged Care: Embracing Technology and Improving Lives

Innovation and technological advancements are empowering Aged Care Workers, bringing about a significant transformation in the Aged Care sector. Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and apps were previously not linked to Aged Care. These high-tech developments were seldom associated with the older generation, often considered less familiar with technology. However, with the increasing adoption of these technologies, Aged Care Workers are gaining confidence and capabilities they never had before.

As per a study conducted by the ACMA, older Australians (aged 65+) now have internet in their home, with 93% having access in 2020, compared to 68 % per cent in 2017. The demographic we often label as technologically challenged is more tech-savvy than commonly assumed. With the older population adapting to the changing digital landscape, Aged Care Workers are also encountering a similar transformation. To meet the demands of this evolving environment, workers are expected to embrace new processes, procedures, and methodologies. Therefore, what are some of the changes that Aged Care Workers can anticipate experiencing this year?

The Impact of Apps in Aged Care

The convenience of apps has extended to even the most basic tasks, making life simpler in many ways. Aged care workers have also embraced this trend, integrating apps into their daily routines to streamline their work processes. Some of these apps are specifically designed to facilitate communication and aid in tasks, such as providing translation services for individuals with limited language abilities.

One notable app, CareApp, was created by occupational therapist Allison Nikula. She developed this app after experiencing difficulty in receiving regular updates about her grandparents’ well-being while they were in residential care. CareApp allows Aged Care providers to send updates about residents, providing a reliable and consistent way for families to stay informed. This kind of transparency helps to dispel the mystery surrounding Aged Care facilities. It alleviates the concerns of families, particularly in light of reports of mistreatment and neglect in some facilities. Furthermore, there are apps like HireUp, which is dedicated to matching support workers with individuals in need of support. This app serves as a valuable resource for support workers seeking job opportunities within the industry.

Enhancing the Residential Care Experience with Virtual Reality for Aged Care

The staff at residential care facilities work tirelessly to create a vibrant and engaging environment for the residents. However, for those who have been at the facility for many years, the daily routine can become monotonous. To address this, virtual reality experiences tailored to Aged Care have been introduced, offering residents the opportunity to enjoy activities they may not otherwise be able to do. These experiences include African safaris and hot air ballooning scenarios, and due to their popularity and positive impact, some Aged Care providers in Australia have incorporated them as a permanent feature of their facilities.

Digital Inclusion and Seniors: Combatting Loneliness Online

In a report by National Seniors, it was found that Social networking sites can benefit older people in combating loneliness, offering mental stimulation and entertainment, providing access to information around the world and improving contact with family and friends” (Millward, 2003). This underscores the importance of digital inclusion and the positive impact it has on the well-being of older adults. The report also highlighted the need for caregivers to provide training to seniors on using the internet and other devices safely and effectively, empowering them with valuable skills while fostering a sense of community and belonging, making them feel more connected and engaged.

Kickstart your career in Aged Care! 

If you’re looking for a fulfilling career with opportunities to progress, consider joining this rapidly growing industry. More and more people are entering home care careers because they offer highly rewarding roles with job-for-life stability. In particular, many are becoming an Aged Care Support Worker – for which jobs are emerging all the time – due to Australia’s ageing population. 

Certification for entry-level Aged Care roles is flexible and can be completed in various time frames using different study methods. There are opportunities available to study for senior roles in Aged Care once you have gained industry experience. 

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